Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Basic HTML

How to create:
 <h1>This is a heading</h1>

-Background colours
<body style="background-color:yellow">

-Paragraph break
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>

-Line break
<p>This is<br />a para<br />graph with line breaks</p>

-Bold font

<!-- This is a comment -->

Change Font and color
<h1 style="font-family:verdana;">A heading</h1>
<p style="font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:20px;">A paragraph.</p>
The text on your page must be used to explain;

Colours and codes for HTML
Color Color HEX Color RGB
#000000 rgb(0,0,0)
#FF0000 rgb(255,0,0)
#00FF00 rgb(0,255,0)
#0000FF rgb(0,0,255)
#FFFF00 rgb(255,255,0)
#00FFFF rgb(0,255,255)
#FF00FF rgb(255,0,255)
#C0C0C0 rgb(192,192,192)
#FFFFFF rgb(255,255,255)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Using Frontpage

    1. What two steps are recommended in planning your site?
    -Planning your site structure with sketches
    -Planning your site layout again with sketches.
      2. What is a web server?
      A Web server is a computer that runs special serving software. That software "serves" HTML pages and associated files when requested by a client, such as a Web browser.

      3. Provide examples of some features that FrontPage Server Extensions provide for a website?
      Design element Interactives
      Security- Log in.
      Allows direct uploads and downloads of data and files

      4. How do you put your website on a web server?
      To put your site on a Web server, you publish it. Publishing generally means copying all of the files to a remote location on a server. In most cases, the remote location is either an HTTP path or an FTP path. The path you use depends on what technologies your server supports.

      5. FrontPage has two key functions – website design and management

      6. What are some commonly used file names for Home Pages accepted by servers?

      7. What is FrontPage Metadata and which two folders contain these files?
      FrontPage metadata is information about your FrontPage Web site that makes managing the site possible.
      The folders are the _vti_cnf folder and the _vti_pvt folder.

      8. There are two basic types of website can you create in FrontPage; what are they and how do they differ?
      Disk-Based and Sever-Based.
      A disk-based site is a FrontPage Web site you create on your local hard disk and then later publish to a Web server. A server-based site is one you create and work with directly on a Web server, without the extra step of publishing.

        Wednesday, May 16, 2012

        Internet Addresses

        1.    What is a URL?
         Uniform (or universal) resource locator, the address of a World Wide Web page.

        2.    What is an IP address and how is it related to a URL?
        The browser communicated with a name server to translate the server name "" into an IP Address, which it uses to connect to the server machine. The browser then formed a connection to the server at that IP address on port 80.
        3.    Given our school website's URL is, what is our domain name and what protocol do you need to use to access the site?
        Domain Name:
        Protocol: 'http' (hypertext transfer protocol)

        4.    In the context of an IP address, what is an octet?
        IP stands for Internet protocol, and these addresses are 32-bit numbers, normally expressed as four "octets" in a "dotted decimal number." The four numbers in an IP address are called octets because they can have values between 0 and 255,

        Broadband Speedtest
        For a bit of fun determine the speed of our internet connection using the site below. Start by testing the connection speed to the Sydney location then select a different location from the map (drag the map to find a location).

        Home Computer = 0.50 Mbps
        1. What is meant  by upload and download speeds?
        Uploading involves sending a copy of a file from a computer to a remote network connection; for instance, Web developers and publishers upload files to their Web server to make them available for other people to access.
        Downloading involves the reception of a file that has been uploaded to a remote network. Often this refers to a person copying a file from a remote network to her personal computer; for example, people download music from iTunes after they make a purchase.

        Upload speed is usually slower than download speed because Internet providers have designed their systems to optimize download speeds. This is because most Internet users spend more time downloading than uploading. In other words, Internet providers give priority to downloading since it's more frequently done than uploading

        2. What are the units used to measure download speeds? 
        Mbps (mega bits per second)  or Kbps (Kilo bits per second)

        3. Why do different locations offer different download speeds? Hint: “bottleneck”
        There are various reasons for different speeds:
        - cables, they type of material used,optic fibre- copper wire-whether the server is wireless 
        -crowds/No. of users eg townhouse
        -Amount of data being uploaded/downloaded 
        -Bottleneck- Size of channels/branches
        -The weather can affect some wireless channels
        -Time of day

        'Bottlenecks' reduces the room data has to travel therefore reducing the speed it is transmitted at.

        Sunday, May 13, 2012

        • How did the internet originate?
          The interenet was first created in 1968 in America.
          In 1957 a remote connection had to be developed so the people could work on the computers despite the fact that they had to be stored in a cold room. At the same the idea of 'time-sharing' came up allowing multiple users to work on one computer. They created a system where knowledge could be transfered faster. Universities were cautious about letting others use their computers so they had a smaller computer, commonly termed the 'Interface' which took over control of network activities. The IMP's connected to other interfaces called the Network Control Protocol. This was later replaced by the more efficent TCP 'Transmission Control Protocol". The NPL Network was expected to support many users and file transfer. The idea that files should be split up came in to play to avoid 'congestion'. This was called packet switching. Upon discovery of a possible atomic bomb attack they created a "de-centralised' network so that if a station was hit the network wouldn't be destroyed. The creation of the french CYCLADES was another milestone. They (with their low budget) had to focus on connecting with other networks.
          TCPIP Transmission control protocol internet protocol.
          Who were the people most responsible for creating it?
          The Internet was originally created by DARPA (the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) as a means of sharing information on defence reseacrh between involved universities and defence research facilities.The internet was not created by a single person, however here are some people who made large contributions:
          ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).
        • The idea-Leonard Kleinrock's
          People such as- Elmer Shapiro, Steve Carr, Steve Crocker, Jeff Rulifson, Ron Stoughton, Paul Baran, Thomas Marill, Lawrence Roberts, Barry Wessler, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN)

          What system immediately preceded the internet? What was its purpose?

          Lee had actually begun networking computers before the development of the PC, with his Community Memory project in the late 1970s. This system had terminals (like computer screens with keyboards connected to one large computer that did the processing). These were placed in laundromats, the Whole Earth Access store, and community centres in San Francisco. This network used permanent links over a small geographical area rather than telephone lines and modems.

          What is an IP packet? What is it comprised of?
          IP packet is the basic data chunk that can be sent over the Internet. All the data is partitioned into IP packets on the sending computer and reassembled on the receiving computer. Each packet contains header information that includes the type of traffic it is (FTP or UDP, for example) and where it originated from.

          What does TCP stand for? How does TCP deal with lost IP packets?
          Transmission Control Protocol over Internet Protocol. These are two transmission protocols that work together to help the servers, clients and devices on the network talk to one another.
          Why do computer people like everything in letters?
          They may prefer it because acronyms are easier to remember, as well as shorter to type and refer to.